Lately it's been hard.
I'm generally a pretty positive person, but I gotta tell you the hormonal shifts that hit you in your forty's are just not nice. It has been nearly 24 years since this body has had a baby and I guess my ovaries, uterus, and other hormonal organs have been having regular meetings about retiring and their feelings about that.
These meetings make their old PMS monthly gatherings look like a church bake sale.
These meetings are somewhat unpredictable and feel a lot like Fight Club, and everyone knows the first rule of Fight Club is we don't talk about Fight Club.
Well, I don't like Fight Club's gag order! I think we should talk about what happens with our lady parts. There is no shame! We ladies make up half the population which means half of humans go through some sort of menopausal symptoms as some point!
Mine range from feeling itchy, depressed, tired, angry, emotional, sensitive, bloated and sometimes numb. I hardly recognize who I have become.
I'll be honest and tell you I have found a few things that have helped.
I take Cinnamon/Chromium everyday along with vitamin D. I use a combo of essential oils in a carrier oil on my feet: Clary Sage, Vitex Berry and Ylang Ylang.
The Vitex Berry aka Chaste berry has helped my periods go back to a more normal schedule. They had gotten to 23 days apart with breakthrough bleeding - YIKES!. Now they are more like 27 and regular. I tried the Vitex in a supplement form and while it worked, it gave me heartburn all the time ( apparently everything gives me heartburn now- yay)
The Clary Sage helps with my moods, especially so if I use it in a diffuser. Sometimes I add a couple drops of spearmint. It makes a happy smell.
The Ylang Ylang helps with mood too, along with other health benefits like lowering blood pressure ( I only recently added this to my routine). Let me tell you though, Ylang Ylang smells like a freakin' funeral home, WOW- yeah. I advise using it sparingly!
I really like Native American Nutritionals essential oils. I also have quite a few Plant Therapy essential oils - they are okay. They do not smell as good as the NAN counterparts. If you have a friend who sells oils from DoTerra or Young Living, you should consider buying something from them, if for no other reason than to just be supportive. Essential Oils really are great and trust me I was super skeptical before I tried them! One small bottle can last you a very long time since they are highly concentrated.
I found out just how concentrated they are. My little granddaughter has a light skin sensitivity to cinnamon. I forgot this, mostly because I had never seen it personally. I let her sniff the cinnamon oil and apparently it barely touched her little nose. After a few minutes she started crying and rubbing her nose and face. Within just a couple of seconds her whole face was bright red and hot to the touch. I pinned her down and washed her face and she quit crying. She never got any worse but her cute little face was red and hot like that for about an hour, like someone had painted her face and she had smeared it all around. I felt so bad, even though she didn't even seem to notice. Mark my words - Essential Oils are highly concentrated and can cause skin sensitivity, even if you've never reacted! Always dilute with some kind of carrier. Read the warnings and don't let your little munchkins sniff straight from the bottle :).
Okay - enough of my public service announcement!
Like I said sometimes life is hard. Don't give up, Talk about what's going on. Do research. If you don't want to go natural or nothing is working, see a doctor. They should be able to help. Hang in there. Life doesn't stay hard forever.
...I hope :)
Coincidence or not? LOL |
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