I believe most people would agree with the complexity of women as evidenced by this meme I have seen floating around the internet and Pinterest:
Thursday, March 13, 2014
The Women in My Head
I believe most people would agree with the complexity of women as evidenced by this meme I have seen floating around the internet and Pinterest:
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
I am sick to my stomach today. You wanna know why? It is this crap about living like you're gonna die young. I have had so many conversations through the years with people who have this attitude. Apparently Ke$ha thinks it's such a good idea she sings about it in a catchy song.
Do you know how many twenty, thirty, forty even fifty-somethings (and even older) out there believed they were gonna die young and are not dead yet? A lot, that's how many. Do you know how many did die young, or are dying young, and wish they could have lived to be old? A lot, dare I say most.
The belief about dying young is just code for "I want to be irresponsible and not have to wake up and face the reality I created with all my bad irresponsible choices". Yes I said CHOICES.
Guess what? The choices you make in your life are just that, YOUR CHOICES. You cannot truly stand and say it was someone else's fault when you leave a wake of destruction behind you as a result of choices you make. Honestly chances are really good you will live to be much much older than you are right now, even with all your bad choices. One day you are going to have to stand up and say "yes, I did ____" and "no, I did not do ____". You will have to own it. It's on you. Period.
I think this is the real reason people want to believe there is no heaven or hell, because if there is then death will not even keep you from facing choices you make. All I will say about that is "WHAT A HUGE GAMBLE". There is way too much evidence to speak of an afterlife to think that death is any kind of an escape. But if you are willing to take the risk, go ahead.
As far as life goes, keep in mind, you are not the only one who pays for your choices. You are the sower/planter of them and you will reap their fruit; remember though, others will eat of their fruit as well. You, your parents, your spouse, your siblings, your children, your friends, your co-workers, and your victims will all in some way taste the fruit of your choices. Wait did I say VICTIMS? Yes, yes I did! Your bad choices may/will lead to many different scenarios in which you will leave victims behind. I know that's hard to chew on because in this selfish attitude about living like you're gonna die young is the inherent belief that you are the only one affected by your choices. That is a a HUGE LIE. Stop believing this insanity. You are not an island. You do not live in a bubble You are not alone.
Your life touches so many people. Your choices matter. Your life matters. YOU MATTER!!!!!
I will leave with this: May your days be long and your choices wise!